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8 port

  1. D

    Hikvision NRV Purchase - help me narrow down my options.

    Hi, I'm not new to CCTV, but I need help selecting a Hikvision NVR to use instead of using my Synology NAS and its inbuilt Surveillance Station. UK Based Current Setup Synology NAS running Surveillance Station 2 x Trendnet TV-IP310PI Both Running as POE to a Switch in the Loft Mobile App set up...
  2. H

    Alteq Firmware - Please HELP!!!!

    Hello all I currently have an Alteq 8 Port NVR and i am trying to find the lastest frmware version. Been searching for ages and cant seem to find a thing on this brand. The idea to update it and default it before I sell the NVR + 4 x 4MP Dome Cameras. If i look on the system the current...