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Intrusion and line crossing marks in playback mode


Trusted Member
7608 set for continuous recording, line crossing and intrusion detection only. I can view detection marks in playback mode on the local interface (NVR's monitor), but I cannot see those same marks when logged on via the web interface. I only get the blue line. I am in single camera mode, video playing, and I've set the button on the bottom left to both line crossing and intrusion detection - but no red marks in the time line. Any idea why?

Cam and NVR are both on the latest firmware. Using IE with up to date web components.
Dan, I think I have a different issue. My NVR notifies me just fine via email of any smart events, and I'm not looking to see the lines I drew on the screen that trigger smart events.

My issue is that when viewing the blue line at the bottom of the page in playback mode in a web browser, any "events" that occur are not showing up as red lines. The lines that mark smart events in the recording timeline.
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Dan, we're on two different channels. I'm not wanting to see the overlays for events. Let me see if I can explain a little better:

You go to the playback screen and pick camera 1. At the bottom of the screen is a long blue line at the bottom that represents 24 hours worth of recording. In that blue line should be little red lines that show every time a smart event occurred. That allows me to go right to that time period and view that footage.

My blue line at the bottom of the page does not have any red lines showing smart events. Yes I have rules enabled. Just no event markers in the playback mode like I do when using the monitor attached to the NVR.
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I don't think we are on two channels - if you take a look at the above link I just shared with you you will see the below screenshot displaying exactly what you have just asked to achieve, as well as some text explaining how to do it.

Hi Dan:

I did read that thread and the method described. It is not working for me. I have rules enabled, I pick the time frame (date), pick intrusion detection from the little box, and then redraw the box I already drew when I set it up. My blue line stays all blue, no marker lines anywhere showing past intrusion detections despite having received email alerts during the day.

Thanks for sticking with me on this - I'd like to figure it out. I also take it there is no way to have these lines just automatically show up in playback as they do when viewing on the NVR interface.
You can have the smart event triggers show automatically but only if you are recording using them, but you can only record using one type of recording at a time (e.g. you can't record both continuously and events at the same time, it has to be one or the other). I am surprised the line crossing intrusion detection is not working for you because those are smart settings in playback and you don't actually have to have line crossing or intrusion activated in the backend, it should just scan all your recorded footage for any time someone crossed that line or intruded that area.

Have you tried leaving it for a few seconds after you have drawn the line/box on the playback? sometimes it takes a while for it to scan the footage and display the crossing/intrusion information.
Dan, I am recording continuously and have both smart events (line crossing and intrusion) set to send me emails. I have always assumed there is a way to view playback with those smart events indicated in the blue time line which is why I started the thread. I just can't seem to get it to work, although it shows perfectly fine on the NVR monitor.

The trick may be to wait, which I have not done. I click on the type of smart event at the bottom left and nothing happens in the blue time line, but maybe I need to wait longer. In any event, this seems like a very clunky setup. It seems if the NVR is able to display these events automatically, the web interface ought to be able to do the same thing without clicking buttons, redrawing lines, etc. Maybe in a future upgrade...
Still nothing, Dan. Any more ideas on how I can get smart event markers in the playback timeline? Thanks.

EDIT - turns out smart event markers in playback via the web interface have never worked. Hoping Hik fixes this one day.
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Having the same issue here. Did this ever get solved? I have my K series NVR set to record continuously and I have set up line crossing (and intrusion) smart events on certain cameras. I receive email alarms on these so they're working. However if I open IE and search on a date I just see a long blue line along the bottom on screen and no red blocks for motion or events at all.

In IE I also don't see any "bottom right" tick boxes for this on the "playback" screen in IE either.

If I use the interface on the NVR itself then i do see red blocks in the timeline for these motion/events when I search.
Having the same issue here. Did this ever get solved? I have my K series NVR set to record continuously and I have set up line crossing (and intrusion) smart events on certain cameras. I receive email alarms on these so they're working. However if I open IE and search on a date I just see a long blue line along the bottom on screen and no red blocks for motion or events at all.

In IE I also don't see any "bottom right" tick boxes for this on the "playback" screen in IE either.

If I use the interface on the NVR itself then i do see red blocks in the timeline for these motion/events when I search.

Apologies, I think we may have answered this in another thread, Hikvision support reported to us that they were removing the event markers from playback to improve the stability of the browser access. So you can now only navigate through playback by events when you view from a direct monitor using the Smart/Custom playback options.

The only way to see event information in playback on the browser is to set the camera to record by event instead of continuous.
Thanks for the update - at least i wasn't missing something obvious then! That is a real shame. Definitely works on the actual TV/NVR itself so I guess I can use that but the browser is so much easier for accessing events from anywhere in house.
It's actually incredibly stupid to remove one of the most wanted features.

Coming next month - we're removing continuous recording to improve stability of browser access.
Might this be deliberate? iVMS-5200 expands on web based functionality but comes at a cost. Does it have events visible on the playback timeline? Anyone have experience with Hikvision's iVMS 5200 Pro? Curious to know.
I never had that red line shown in IE (I use NAS instead of NVR).
Very annoying as this is one of the most useful features to quickly review events ignoring all other times when nothing happened.